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Updated: Oct 7, 2024

One year ago today, I wrote these words in my journal:

"I want to be part of the development and teachings for the education system of New Earth"


… the next year I was given an incredible & completely aligned opportunity to work as a guest Teacher at the School of Magic: Alternative Micro School. This school is heavily focused on teaching children every day life skills including emotional intelligence and connection. These two topics in my belief are of incredible value for a high quality of life.


For 7 weeks I came in every Monday to colourful mats and loving, courageous, and excited faces of two different age groups. The children were ages 4-8 and 9-12. We learned about the properties of each energy center such as colour, organ function, and emotional function. After the educational information we moved into the experiential and  innerstandings portion with the sound healing and guided meditation. We focused on sensations and visuals, as well as emotions and intuitive messages. We practiced feeling into our energy, connecting our roots to mother earth and cleansing our energetic centers and field while also resetting and regulation our nervous system with deeo breaths and a relaxing state.


The children honestly blew me away with their ability to stay calm and focused. Their ability to tap in to their own energy, intuition, and emotions. As well as share their experiences with incredible detail and a large range of differences was beautiful to witness. We began within the 5 - 7 minute range and by our last session we were up to a whopping 20 minutes! They did sooo good and I can't wait to go back next year and dive even deeper with them!

I am constantly blown away by the universe giving us what we dare to accept and step into. I truly believe my purpose is to hold space for others and guide them to themselves, their own energy, their heart, their emotions, their healing, their gifts.. All of it. That it is so important for our children to have these abilities and tools of navigation to understand themselves. That is what we as humanity need to evolve and grow into a beautiful free and abundant race. I am so honoured and humbled that it is already here and I was given such a beautiful connection and opportunity!


This is only the beginning <3

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September felt awful! I'm not going to lie. My experience was one of unsteadiness, to say the least. Even though some things in my life were going so great, and I really had nothing to complain about, I felt off. I felt disconnected and ungrounded. I felt lost and had a lack of clarity.

I had a constant sense of being overwhelmed, but it felt like it was more in the air, like in the collective than actually mine. It felt like like everyone was feeling it but nobody was giving it any attention. Like we are all just running on the treadmill trying to get by, the elephant in the room was there, but everyone was looking the other way because deep down we know there is nothing we can really do about it.

The world is on the brink of change in a massive way. We all know it, we all feel it. Things are crashing and literally burning around us. Nothing we thought was true is true. Everything we have known and trusted is being questioned. The foundation of the world we thought we knew is in question. No one feels safe, no one knows how to prepare, we are all waiting to respond and yet we are all trying to get through our day-to-day as costs continue to rise and the circus continues lol it is quite fascinating.

To me, this is VERY exciting. The world needs to change, I think we can all agree that the way the world has been operating is not sustainable or beneficial for humans. SO YAY.... even though it hurts and its crazy and it feels weird.. I'm so excited.

I think of all the times in my personal life when I have felt things crumbling and burning, and then to what comes after, has always been an awesome rebirth creating and rebuilding myself and my life better than it was before. People and opportunities that I never thought of or saw coming just pop in and take me in a completely different more aligned direction.

I suggest instead of clinging to the way things were, being open to what may be!

These times are exciting because it means there is so much room and demand for creating new ways of being! New systems, new needs, new sources.. all the things.

What do you believe in? What would you like to see more of in the world?

We are here to create and to be of service. As we are all a unit, all the humans and the Earth. We need to start working together and being considerate and respectful and you simply cannot do that without healing yourself first.

Connection is key. That is my passion and what I am building my business around. I believe our passions are what we are here to bring to the world because they are what the world needs.

In September I experienced more conflict than I have in a long time. This is how I know massive transformation is ahead. These things were being brought to the surface in my personal life to show me where attention, healing, and boundaries were needed but also, how to move through conflict in a way that feels good for me. ( I did not succeed in case you were wondering… sometimes we learn how we want to behave be behaving the complete opposite) And that is the human experience.

It doesn't always feel good. It is often messy and sticky and crunchy, but from that is where miracles and creation are born.

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Although I am not ready to share details specifically about what I am currently dealing with in my life I would definitely like to share parts of my experience because I find it fascinating and super helpful.

Looking back and connecting dots…

About a month before ______ happened, I was feeling super stuck and my logical mind could not understand why. It didn't make sense. I was in such a good place in every area of my life. Everything was flowing so well and felt so right and I felt so accomplished - I felt like I had finally reached this place I had been searching for the last two-three years.

I had just had a breakthrough Workshop. It was deep, it was incredible, it felt like the pinnacle of what I am here to do and who I am here to serve. I was on cloud nine. Finally ready to step into my power, to up my worth and my value. I was so excited! I had all these juicy offerings lined up for the summer including making one of my dreams come to fruition a Full Day Retreat! And yet… I couldn't move forward. I was blocked. I wasn't having any inspiration for creating content, I wasn't feeling my normal pull to do all the things I needed to do… It literally felt like my feet were stuck in cement.

My mind knew what I wanted and what I needed and I couldn't understand why I wasn't able to feel excited and lit up and have all the energy to do all the amazing things.. I had made commitments, I had put out announcements… why the heck was I blocked??… It wasn't making sense, this is what I wanted, what I've been working towards! I'm ready!

I was so frustrated, I thought maybe there was some self worth stuff holding me back because I had decided to raise my prices… Maybe some limiting beliefs.. What was it?

And then…3 weeks later I was hit with life altering news.. My world had been turned upside down. And now it all makes sense. There is no way I would I have been able to move forward with all the things I had planned… I would have had to canceled refund and change dates and it would have been a fucking mess! I would have had to deal with shame and failure on top of everything else. Thank GOODNESS!

The reason I want to share this is because this has been an incredible reminder that I can't control everything and life is crazy. I would have saved myself a lot of frustration and anguish if I surrendered to what my body and my instincts were telling me before I got the news…. and the beauty is next time I will, because I know what it feels like now - The awareness is there.

And this entire process is helping me deepen into my next offering and offerings. By allowing myself to be able to surrender - to drop literally everything and take a time out for my recovery, I am giving you permission to do the same.

And while I am giving myself space it's amazing what is coming through - I can feel myself incubating and processing and deepening. I know that when I'm through this the new version of me that I have been waiting for will be ready to rise and fully step into her power. It truly is like Phoenix coming out of the ashes. This is the human experience. There is no getting around it- this is how it works. Sometimes in order to grow everything has to be set on fire, we have to break down and break open in order to build our new selves, better, and stronger than before. It is beautiful and it is painful. It is hard but it is great.

I'm grateful for all of it.

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